I had the opportunity to spend some time in Seattle this week. I've been once before, but it was a few years ago. It's an awesome city. Lots of water. But the best part of this trip is that I had time to make a short trip to Olympic National Park. I was only there for a few hours, but it is a spectacular place. I'm already thinking about going back in the spring to hit a few other National Parks in the area.
I'm no Ansel Adams, but I like landscape shots in black and white. Plus this was taken at midday and not the greatest light.

Off shore there are a lot of small islands. The amazing thing is just how tall they are out of the water and the trees growing on top of them. The clouds in these photos were great against the ocean.

This was the only tree I saw actually growing at the waters edge.

I like the moss growing on everything. This image was shot using my Canon 35mm f1.4 at f1.4.

This tree really had great fall colors. The lake is called Crescent Lake. The fog just hung halfway up the mountains. In certain spots it hung on the lake. While we were driving around the lake we saw a Bald Eagle fly over with a fish. I was in such amazement I didn't even think to take a photo.

If you would like to see a brief video I made follow this link: